Monday, March 20, 2023

Coming Soon: The Strong Body Strong Mind App

I’ve been woefully negligent with my writing prowess of late.

But it’s for good reason.

My wife, Dr. Lisa Lewis, and I have been busy for the past few months developing a wellness/fitness app!

Strong Body, Strong Mind

The app is called Strong Body, Strong Mind and we firmly feel it’s going to be quite different than the bulk of fitness apps out there.


For starters, the obvious: This app will provide both structured strength training AND mental skills guidance to bolster motivation and confidence.

I’ll be taking the reigns on the training side of the app. The “Beginner to Badass” program is designed to guide those interested in starting a barbell-based strength training program but have otherwise been intimidated to do so on their own.

My goal with this app is to make strength training accessible to the masses and to demonstrate how to properly progress from a beginner to being able to beat Jason Bourne in a hallway battle royale.

Lisa will run the show on the psychological/mindset side. She’s an actual Doctor of Psychology (not an Instagram mindset coach) and has over two decades of experience.

Plus she’s a doctor who actually lifts!

Each workout will have a “Mindset Minute” to coincide with it, and will focus on anything from how to stay motivated when beginning a new exercise routine to ways to overcome speed-bumps with lack of consistency.

In short: Lisa’s there to Jedi mind-trick you into kicking ass and taking names. And maybe, if all goes to plan, get you to summon the force with the strength of your butt cheeks (that’s how it works, right?)

Jedi sword in the desert

More details will be coming in a few days when the app is officially launched. For now, I hope this serves as a bit of an Amuse Bouche of the awesomeness to come.

Keep your eyes peeled…👀

The post Coming Soon: The Strong Body Strong Mind App appeared first on Tony Gentilcore.

Coming Soon: The Strong Body Strong Mind App posted first on

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